If you’re thinking about owning a swimming pool, you need to think about pool sanitation and maintenance. Keeping a clean pool with no harmful bacteria is the only way to ensure your pool is a healthy environment for you and your family. But often the chemicals used to clean swimming pools can be toxic themselves and have harmful side effects.
Here we take a look at swimming pool sanitation and how it’s being revolutionised by a new Ultra Violet (UV) system. UV can clean your pool more effectively than chlorine and cut down on your pool maintenance, too. This contributes to you enjoying your healthy pool even more.
The problems of maintaining a healthy pool
All prospective pool owners want to know that their swimming pool will be a safe and healthy environment for all who will be using it. Many are families with young children so safety and health are naturally major concerns.
Unfortunately, pool water is an ideal environment for bacteria and micro-organisms, which can lead to health problems once they cause an infection. This is why pool water has to be treated with chemicals that can kill these micro-organisms. Chemical treatments keep the pool safe and healthy for swimming in.
Traditionally, this has always been achieved with chlorine. It’s a pretty effective pool sanitiser, but it isn’t perfect – it’s not capable of killing some of the parasites and bacteria that live in pool water so swimmers are still at risk of health problems. It also isn’t particularly good for the environment.
Chlorine can also be harmful to human health itself, as it produces disinfection by-products known as chloramines. These can cause a number of health issues including eye irritation, dryness of the skin, and even breathing problems if people are exposed regularly to levels that are too high.
The chemical balance has to be right in order for swimmers not to be affected by these problems – and when you’re maintaining your pool at home, this can be difficult to achieve.
Owning a chlorinated pool involves having to handle and store harmful chemicals. This can be dangerous, especially if you have young children. It is also time-consuming, cutting down on the free time you have to enjoy the pool with your family and friends.
Are salt water pools healthier?
Many people looking into buying a swimming pool want a salt water pool without chlorine. The trouble is that they can’t have one without the other, as salt alone does not kill bacteria. In order to remain clean, healthy and safe, saltwater pools have chlorinator plates. When the salt is added to the water, it has a chemical reaction with these plates.
The result? Chlorine.
So a salt water pool is still a chlorinated pool. It is also a high-maintenance option as the salt has to be added to the water periodically by the pool owner.
Are there any alternatives to chlorine in swimming pools?
Chlorine has always been the traditional method of choice for sanitising swimming pools. However, it is not the only option for a healthy and clean pool. There is now an alternative which is less toxic, safer and more effective.
Paramount’s Ultra UV pool water treatment is an innovative system which is completely changing the way people think about pool water sanitation. It uses Ultra Violet technology to sanitise pool water more quickly and effectively than chlorine can, while using far less chemicals and producing no by-products that can harm you, your family or the environment.
Ultra UV water sanitiser can instantly kill 99.9 percent of:
- Bacteria
- Viruses
- Fungi
- Algae
- Micro-organisms
Including those which are resistant to chlorine, such as Crypto and Giardia.
This creates a far cleaner, healthy pool environment without the by-products of chlorine, enabling you and your family to enjoy swimming without the risks to your health.
How UV water sanitation contributes to a healthy pool
Using UV to sanitise pool water has revolutionised the way pool cleaning systems work. It uses the swimming pool water circulation itself to trigger a cleaning process which continues for as long as the unit is turned on. As soon as the water flows through the pressure switch, the cleaning system is activated.
As the water circulates through the unit’s chamber, it is cleaned by a powerful UV-C lamp, which works instantly to inactivate 99.9 percent of the bacteria and micro-organisms that are harmful to human health. The process is quick and effective, and produces no disinfection by-products.
The Ultra UV pool water treatment system also makes pool maintenance far easier, as it drastically cuts down the amount of chlorine you need to maintain a healthy and clean pool. This means less handling of toxic chemicals, leaving you free to spend more time in the pool with your family, friends and loved ones – or simply relaxing by yourself.
Will I need to save for a new pool?
Many pool owners worry that changing their water sanitation system will mean having to buy a completely new pool and start again. However, the Paramount Ultra UV water treatment system can easily be installed on existing pools, whether they have regular chlorinator plates or salt water chlorinator plates, thanks to its multi-directional and quick release piping connections. It can also be installed just as easily on brand-new pools, enabling you to take advantage of UV technology and enjoy a healthy and safe pool environment from the start.
The extra peace of mind that a healthy, clean pool can bring is essential when it comes to enjoying your swimming pool. Swimming feels more relaxing and family games in the water are a lot more fun when you know the water is not going to cause anyone harm or irritation. If you have very small children and you’re teaching them to swim, you can also relax in the knowledge that they’re getting the very best start in a pool that is healthy, safe and spotlessly clean.
More about UV pool water treatment and healthy pool options
If you’d like more information about Ultra UV pool water treatment and its benefits, please get in touch. Our team are always happy to answer your questions and share our knowledge.
Whoa, this post has made me much more aware of the advantages of UV pool cleaning! I had no clue it could maintain the health and cleanliness of my pool so well.